A Distinctly Asian-American Biracial Experience
Understanding culture grants deep insight into motive and behavior. But it does not define us. What happens when these threads from across the world blend together? What happens to an individual when cultures clash, disintegrate, reform, and run into other cultures?
Created at the height of the anti-Asian hate in the wake of COVID, Let Loose Petals Past served as a reminder that we have faced strife before and we can weather the storm again.
The Fell Tree Whispers was driven by questions surrounding generational trauma. What is passed down and how do we reckon with these forces beyond our time?
Recommended: 8:50-9:40
Kumiho | Moon was the third installment of the Kumiho series. The series reflected on traditional Korean folktales and the purpose they serve in the modern world.
Recommended: 00:58-2:00