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Injury Prevention & Recovery
Does resisting against our natural threads of movement create atmospheres in which we are more likely to injure ourselves?
How can we know where our natural tendencies lie and should we embrace or resist them? Where do injuries actually begin? Understanding these questions will help guide dancers in avoiding injury altogether. When injury does happen, what is the best path forward? How much rest versus rehab do we need? Likely everyone is different but often treated exactly the same.
Trigger warning: in injury #3 there is medical imaging of inside the knee

Major Injury #1
My first major injury was discovered in 2021 but likely began years before. Two hernias resulted in pain and discomfort physically and chronic anxiety and stress. Surgery occurred in August 2021, rehab followed for 6 weeks. Discomfort continues to this day despite the surgery.

Major Injury #2
At the end of 2021 I was in a mountain biking accident and suffered a grade 3 AC joint separation. All ligaments were ruptured and my clavicle and scapula no longer connect.

Major Injury #3
In June 2022 the medial meniscus in my right knee completely tore and folded over. Again this likely began many years prior but did not present a great enough issue to warrant further investigation. Unfortunately, doctors told me it was simply chondromalacia patella which is a relatively common and non-urgent issue, much like tendonitis. When I finally convinced the doctor to issue an MRI they found a severe tear and I was in surgery in under a week after that. This lack of care resulted in severe deterioration of my muscle, which prolonged my inability to dance. This has been the greatest challenge of my injuries and two years later I am still not "fully recovered."

Major Injury #3.1
The blueish areas are all repaired sections

Recovery & attempts to return to dance
Recovery from each of these resulted in a very diverse and intensive self investigation into what science understands about the human body and the methods used to rehabilitate. My research led me to acupuncturists, more physical therapists than I can name, dieticians, orthopedics, sleep specialists, respiratory specialists, body builders, cycling coaches, martial artists, pilates instructors, cognitive therapists, and multiple books on just as many topics.
I continue this research and for every question that has been answered, two more take its place.
I continue this research and for every question that has been answered, two more take its place.

One of many PT sheets of exercises, some of which I still do
Recovery from each of these resulted in a very diverse and intensive self investigation into what science understands about the human body and the methods used to rehabilitate. My research led me to acupuncturists, more physical therapists than I can name, dieticians, orthopedics, sleep specialists, respiratory specialists, body builders, cycling coaches, martial artists, pilates instructors, cognitive therapists, and multiple books on just as many topics.
I continue this research and for every question that has been answered, two more take its place.
I continue this research and for every question that has been answered, two more take its place.

One of many PT sheets of exercises, some of which I still do

One of many PT sheets of exercises, some of which I still do

One of many PT sheets of exercises, some of which I still do

One of many PT sheets of exercises, some of which I still do

One of many PT sheets of exercises, some of which I still do

One of many PT sheets of exercises, some of which I still do

One of many PT sheets of exercises, some of which I still do

The mountain bike park the day I was in the accident

Dietician recommended I eat more than I had been and to prioritize carbs.
Sample day: All of these are minimum portions.
8- 9 am Breakfast:
E.g., soba noodles (1.5 - 2 cups cooked), 2 or more eggs cooked with oil, greens or banana
OR see other breakfast ideas
option to add a snack b/t breakfast and lunch
See A+ B list or
a) apple and pb/almonds
b) carrots and hummus
c) avocado toast
12:00 pm Lunch: leftover - Korean noodles, beef and veggies, sweet potato noodles, sandwich and protein shake (only what you need)
Snack 4:00 pm
E.g., sandwich - turkey, cheese, lettuce, mayo, mustard or other A+ B snacks
7:00 Kind bars/ Zing Bars/ trail mix
10:00 Dinner: mapo tofu with 1 cup cooked rice, tofu beef zucchini, black bean sauce
Snack: Thin mints and oatmilk
or anything your heart desires
1) please email Monica recent labs: glucose, cholesterol, albumin, CBC with differential includes ferritin
2) Bookending training:
Carbs + protein after in a 3:1 ratio
45 grams carbs per hour or more before or handful dried fruit and granola bar
2 glasses chocolate milk/ shake + large handful dried fruit/1 cup tart cherry juice/ 16 oz *Tart Cherry Juice + 100% whey biPro mTOR
*from concentrate - Knudsen's/Trader Joes
3) Look for the following Third Party Certs
NSF for Sport
Informed Sport
4) Fluid goal
100 oz fluid goal baseline
8 oz every 15 minutes of moderate to intense activity
5) 5 servings or more fruits and veggies
8- 9 am Breakfast:
E.g., soba noodles (1.5 - 2 cups cooked), 2 or more eggs cooked with oil, greens or banana
OR see other breakfast ideas
option to add a snack b/t breakfast and lunch
See A+ B list or
a) apple and pb/almonds
b) carrots and hummus
c) avocado toast
12:00 pm Lunch: leftover - Korean noodles, beef and veggies, sweet potato noodles, sandwich and protein shake (only what you need)
Snack 4:00 pm
E.g., sandwich - turkey, cheese, lettuce, mayo, mustard or other A+ B snacks
7:00 Kind bars/ Zing Bars/ trail mix
10:00 Dinner: mapo tofu with 1 cup cooked rice, tofu beef zucchini, black bean sauce
Snack: Thin mints and oatmilk
or anything your heart desires
1) please email Monica recent labs: glucose, cholesterol, albumin, CBC with differential includes ferritin
2) Bookending training:
Carbs + protein after in a 3:1 ratio
45 grams carbs per hour or more before or handful dried fruit and granola bar
2 glasses chocolate milk/ shake + large handful dried fruit/1 cup tart cherry juice/ 16 oz *Tart Cherry Juice + 100% whey biPro mTOR
*from concentrate - Knudsen's/Trader Joes
3) Look for the following Third Party Certs
NSF for Sport
Informed Sport
4) Fluid goal
100 oz fluid goal baseline
8 oz every 15 minutes of moderate to intense activity
5) 5 servings or more fruits and veggies

Food tracking

One day of my lifting regiment
After working with many PT's and body builders we came up with a plan to help build strength around injured areas to keep as much exposure to further injury limited.
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